Yamaha Perkenalkan New Scorpio

GilaMotor, JAKARTA.- PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) akan segera memperkenalkan kepada kalangan media sosok New Scorpio 225 pada 21 September mendatang.

Motor sport yang sejak beberapa bulan terakhir menjadi bahan pebincangan lantaran spy shot yang beredar di dunia maya, akan hadir dengan tampilan yang secara total berubah. Mulai dari depan hingga buritan akan menyandang kostum baru.

Kendati demikian, Yamaha Scorpio 225 terbaru ini masih mempertahankan mesin lamanya. Menurut Yamaha, mesin awal Scorpio ini dinilai masih mumpuni dan masih diminati oleh masyarakat pecinta motor sport Yamaha.

“Secara tampilan akan total berubah. Tapi mesih tetap menyandang mesin lamanya karena kami menilai mesinnya masih mumpuni dan diminati,” papar Indra Dwi Sunda, PR & Coporate Communication Head PT YMKI.

Indra menambahkan, dalam acara pengenalan New Scorpio pekan depan di Jakarta, YMKI akan memperkenalkan secara teknik sekaligus memberikan kesempatan kepada media untuk mencoba New Scorpio ini. Termasuk harga jualnya.

Penulis/Foto : Jay


  1. ah,… cuma ganti body doank, makin menurun teknologinya, katanya teknologi terdepan. mana….. Dulu gue bangga pake Yamaha, sekarang pikir2 ah……kayaknya Yamaha “SEMAKIN JAUH KETINGGALAN”.

  2. lampu aneh, harusnya lebih pesek dan lebih turun sejajar tangki spy aura street fighternya kliatan.
    kaki cungkring, harusnya pake 17″ velg lebar, ban pake 110/60 depan 140/60 blkg. kliatannya bakal susah ngalahin penjualannya tirev. apalagi honda bakal ngluarin 250cc, wah bakal makin kebanting scorpio ini.

  3. Kok batok lampu ny kek orang i*d** ya ? kek tai lalat di atas mata.. wkwkwkwk….

    Tapi bnr tuh, teknologi ny mana bro ? ga di tingkatin.. pakein injection kek vixion dong.. ato ga upgrade jadi 250cc.. zZzz..

  4. Dari sekian banyak komentar yang hadir, semuanya mewakili satu rasa yaitu ‘KECEWA’ benar adanya jika seperti itu, tagline yamaha yang katanya ‘SEMAKI DI DEPAN’ bisa jadi menjadi bumerang jika masih seperti ini. Selayaknya motor kapasitas cc diatas 200, semestinya pada New Scorpio ini di pertambahan 1 step perseneling dari 5 menjadi 6 bukan cuma mengganti ‘baju’ saja akan tetapi perubahan pada sektor mesin pun seharusnya di perhatikan..!!

  5. scorpio br krg nyentuh hati gw deh…cb YMKI DENGARKAN pendapat konsumen jgn smp ketinggalan dg rivalnya honda…andai yamaha ngeluarin motor sport full fairing ky R6 mesin 250CC mesin injection dijamin meledak tuh yg mesin…itu br yg namanya yamaha semakin didepan…inimah yamaha tetap diam.JUJUR YACH dr dl gw setia sm yamaha tp belakangan ini kynya gw bakal berpaling ke merk lain ajah..ngeliat perkembangan motor sport nya g ada kemajuan…sorry neh YMKI…pizz bro

  6. beeeuh…. ternyata cuma ganti baju doang yg tadinya pake singlet jadi pake oblong…. sama ga ada maju2 nya……

  7. cupu abis ngikutin tiger tapi nanggung
    makin tenggelem aja nih scorpio

    mendingan lahirin kembali scorpio g tangki kotak dengan ban gambot

    lebih klasik dan cocok dengan gaya scorpio

  8. knapa ya tanggung bener?…mesin gede, performance cakep, tp rem blkg msh aje tromol….jgn2 shock blkg msh aj ambles….
    harga naeknya naujubilleh…23,5jt..sama dah ma kompetitor…hmmm…tp performance the best lah

  9. mantap….makin ciiip ah yamaha emang gak ada habis nya,,,,,btw teman 2 yang mau beli motor yamaha scorpio ku ni tahun 2009 warna merah aku lepas deh 18 juta nego,…email aja ke marjono [email protected]

  10. mantap….makin ciiip ah yamaha emang gak ada habis nya,,,,,btw teman 2 yang mau beli motor yamaha scorpio ku ni tahun 2009 warna merah aku lepas deh 18 juta nego,…email aja ke [email protected]

  11. coba di modif mirip yzrm1, mesti serem tu. mesin dah lumayan.. tapi bodi alamakkkk….jauh bro. tromol lagi.. gak sporty.

  12. masih butuh sedikit modifikasi…
    tapi saya setia sama yamaha..,
    motor enak buat lari, manuver gak goyang, perawatan mudah & haga spare part yang kompetitif dari merek lain.

  13. hah…jadi ga nyesel beli scorpio 2009…ga Honda ma Yamaha…sama-sama dableknya…mending gw tuker aja printilan byson pindah ke scorpio,lebih sederhana n menarik

  14. jelek amat,
    jauh lebih keren scorpio 2009…..body n power speedx mantab.
    klo yg baru ini jelekx minta ampun……!

  15. yaaaah.. ini mah namanya obsesi jadi **ger revo. mana embel2 “semakin di depannya”? sampe tiger 250 sama pulsar 250 masuk, tamat dah…

    kayaknyaa tuh sok belakan masih ambles aja pas di naekin? masih belum belajar juga ternyata. ckckck..

  16. ini sih sama aja ky scopie 2009 dimodif ganti headlamp n body. di bonjer paling abis juga 5oo rebong… pdahal bener kata orang2 body byson diisi mesin pio harga tetep di kisaran 19-20jt tuh baru mantab didepan..

  17. Kawan2 pecinta Yamaha di NTB pd kecewa dg New Scorpio Z krn hanya ganti baju doank itupun tanggung, coba body Bison mesin nya Scorpio 250 cc itu baru KEREN…dn kami yakin merk lain pasti nangis 7 hari 7 mlm.

  18. Saya sudah liat dari dekat, menurut saya desain dan lekuk bodinya terlalu “mengada-ada”, saya masih lebih respect dengan scoprio deasian sebelumnya. Yang sekarang terkesan dipaksakan, digede2in sana sini, kepalanya terkesan pakai batok modifikasi ( sering liat dipakai sama suzuki thunder), lekuk tangkinya gede maksa, shroudnya kopong, aarrghhh ga sreggg di mata lah…

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    And in 2011, the registered trademark was identified as well-known trademarks. The company registered the UGG trademark in the world more than 100 countries, the other containing the word “UGG” brand are not allowed to enter the Deckers company registered in China market. But in Australia, the Australian manufacturers related united into UGG snow boots Association, come with Deckers company declaration struggle.[url=http://www.anpasemiliaromagna.org/italia/italia-ugg-Stivali-outlet.html]punti vendita ugg italia[/url] They said, Australia is the country of origin of the UGG, and the Australian manufacturers have to do this kind of boots for decades, which also contains sold USA, UGG should be turned into a common name, UGG is the generic name of goods to maintain the Australian court practice.[url=http://www.afood.it/Immagini/italia-ugg-Stivali.html]ugg italia negozi[/url]
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  92. Soon, the product landed in American famous high-grade commercial retail companies NordStorm, more and more high-end fashion magazine also appeared the brand UGG snow boots. The company’s business continued steady growth, and finally let UGG brand into the California from the beach to the central city: New York.[url=http://www.afood.it/Immagini/italia-ugg-Stivali.html]punti vendita ugg italia[/url]
    Let the world know ugg boots really be cooked is because UGG the AUSTRALIA brand.In 1979, another surfer Brian Smith,Bought some Australian sheepskin boots to the system America, begin sale in New York,Mainly in California surfers use. Later, he established the UGG Holding company, registered the UGG trademark,But due to poor management, in 1995, Brian Smith shares sold to Deckers (DEX) outdoor products Co., [url=http://www.buffagni.it/iloveyou/italia-ugg-Stivali-outlet.html]ugg boots outlet[/url]operation, the company makes Hollywood star wearing popular American, near which recognized in many countries.
    The sheepskin boots started to become popular in the wool from 1910, shearers, take off a piece of parchment from sheep, after pruning, used to wrap their feet, they call this kind of shoes for the ugly boots.
    In 1995, Deckers Outdoor bought UGG, will continue to carry forward the brand. To 90 time end, celebrities and fashion celebrities also began to focus on the UGG brand. At the same time, culture has also changed, people more [url=http://www.arredopiu.it/TPL/Stivali-ugg-outlet.html]ugg italia outlet opinioni[/url]love and desire to have a more casual way of life, and UGG is one of the hallmarks of this way of life.
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    This is out of the ordinary UGG, has been imitated, has never been beyond! In 1978 American southern California beach, UGG launched the global high-end lifestyle brands chapter from here. UGG using quality materials and craftsmanship, footwear, apparel, accessories, handbags and Home Furnishing male, female, child brought the four seasons of a year full line product, let you experience the feeling of comfort and luxury, irreplaceable!

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  94. To become New York’s fashion is not easy. But at the beginning of twenty-first Century, UGG quickly captured the position. UGG also gradually from an outdoor active lifestyle manufacturing sheepskin boots, slippers, wooden soled shoes and sandals brand become a kind of fashion, leisure and luxury lifestyle brand. This should be due to transform UGG into the high-end, luxury shoe manufacturer brand re positioning strategy.[url=http://www.anpasemiliaromagna.org/italia/italia-ugg-Stivali-outlet.html]Stivali ugg outlet[/url] As a fashion brand, UGG ads began to appear in the Vogue and other fashion book layout, to shine. Entered in twenty-first Century 10 time metaphase, the world desires for high-end leisure fashion is increasingly rising, a wave of UGG exactly with the perfect fit. Plus all celebrity in leisure wear UGG sheepskin boots and slippers, it can be said that UGG created a new fashion era. As people enjoy more of this kind of UGG leisure experience, people desire and love of this brand is also increased. UGG began to introduce different colors and styles of sheepskin boots and slippers. The cold weather series and leather leisure series boots will be launched by the huge success. At first, UGG sheepskin boots just can be seen everywhere in the ordinary product, and now it has become the important items are essential for everyone in the closet.[url=http://www.buffagni.it/iloveyou/italia-ugg-Stivali-outlet.html]ugg italia outlet opinioni[/url] From all kinds of knitted boots, sports shoes to wedge shoes, UGG continues to bring forth the new through the old. In always maintain a luxury feel at the same time, UGG has become a world famous brand. At this time, the vigorous development of UGG products, is regarded as the national fashion darling. Soon, UGG went to the wider world.
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